The house is full of beautiful details like the ornate moldings. This is the entry hall ceiling.

This tiny social bathroom will have to be sacrificed to expand the tiny kitchen.
The roof is not leaking, but all the openings need help.
This gabled glass structure is the main 'claraboya' or skylight.

The tracks mean it's supposed to open. It needs a total overhaul; glass, frame and mechanism. Underneath is a large round stained glass window that has also seen better days.

Off the kitchen is this shaft. The window here faces the stairs and there's another just visible on the right for a small bedroom. The property comes to a point at the back and downstairs has no windows. It's a bit odd, but a good opportunity for ventilation and some light. Right now the top has bars for security and some green corrugated plastic. Nice.

There was plenty of water damage to the walls and ceiling. This one is across from the bathroom.

The tiny kitchen. Oh the stove, just put it right there in the middle of the room. Yeah, that'll be fine.
That doorway to your right leads to the shaft. Left to the social bathroom and right, a storage area under the staircase.